USA Table Tennis coaches and administrators who will come into contact with minors (any individual under 18) are required to undergo a confidential background check every two years. It is the express policy of USA Table Tennis to exclude, or potentially remove, any member, coach or employee who has a red light applied to their background check for a Crime of Moral Turpitude or for any crime involving illegal drugs, as defined by the Federal Government from situations which involve interactions with minors. USA Table Tennis may also permanently expel any members who have any Felony convictions. USATT may also permanently expel or suspend members, employees, contractors, or, volunteers who have been adjudged as liable in a civil case involving harm to minors of any sort. Additionally, any person(s) who has had their parental rights terminated, has a reference or history of complaints of sexual, physical or emotional abuse with any other organization (regardless of position), or who has resigned or been terminated from a position in another organization (regardless of volunteer, coach, member or employee) for reasons of behavior towards minors may also be expelled or suspended by the organization.  

The balance of any membership fees for a remaining term will not be refunded. For the avoidance of doubt, any person listed in the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website will be automatically and permanently excluded from USA Table Tennis. 

All Directors and Employees of USA Table Tennis shall also go under screening every two years, with the very same restrictions imposed upon them. All USA Table Tennis sanctioned event volunteers and coaches that will have significant exposure to minors will also be required to pass a background check.  USA Table Tennis will deem non-consent to a background check as a FAILURE of the background check, and such individuals may be permanently expelled from USA Table Tennis or prohibited from participating in any activities involving significant contact with minors related to USATT programs, teams, and activities. 


USA Table Tennis requests that Clubs also take on this responsibility for club coaches and volunteers and ensure that they report any failures to USA Table Tennis to ensure nationwide protection in the sport of Table Tennis.  Member clubs are responsible for supervising the program for events sanctioned in their area.  

USA Table Tennis does this for the following reasons;

- To deter offenders from interest in USA Table Tennis to the extent where known offenders do not have access to offend through the medium of USA Table Tennis  

- To deter offenders not yet caught from interest in USA Table Tennis to facilitate their offending because USA Table Tennis is taking steps to protect its members. The existence of a red light must be kept confidential between USA Table Tennis, the member club and the individual.  

For employees of USA Table Tennis, the CEO shall hear the appeal and his decision will be final with  

no right of further appeal. For all others, a Special Hearing Panel will hear the appeal and their decision will be final with no further right of administrative appeal. 

The Hearing Panel shall consist of the following individuals: the  Chairman of the USATT AAC, the General Counsel of USATT, and the CEO of USATT. On notification of a red light, the individual has five days to submit an appeal to the Chief Executive Officer (or in the case of the Chief Executive, the Chairman of the Board). USA Table Tennis will reply within 28- calendar days of a finding of the hearing panel or, for a case regarding Employees, within 28-calendar days of the date of filing the appeal.