USA Table Tennis requires all of its participants, employees, directors, volunteers, members and
coaches to provide an environment which is conducive to a fun and enjoyable environment to
practice the sport of Table Tennis, therefore an environment that is free from bullying, threats or
Bullying is the use of manipulation or coercion to obtain control of another individual. Bullying
involves a pattern of intentional behaviors, both physical and non-physical in nature which seeks to
isolate or intimidate a participant.
Bullying extends to both physical intimidation including but not exclusive to punching, kicking or
choking and also to verbal behaviors and additionally to the use of electronic media inclusive of social
media and cell phones.
A threat is an express wish to physically injure or cause harm to someone else. This may be expressed
in any forms – physically, verbally or via electronic means.
Threats may be directed at a participant or alternatively may be directed via a third party.
Harassment is a pattern of behaviors that seek to do one or more of the following: cause fear,
humiliation, annoyance, offend, degrade, create a hostile environment, or reflect discrimination in
any way.
Racial harassment is covered by this policy and includes the making of negative comments on any
USA Table Tennis member’s skin color, or ethnicity inclusive of the display of offensive materials or
Sexual orientation harassment is also covered by this policy. It is the USA Table Tennis policy that
participation in USA Table Tennis is open to all regardless of sexual orientation. Discrimination in any
fashion on the basis of one’s sexual orientation is expressly prohibited by USA Table Tennis.
Sexual harassment is covered by this policy. It is considered a violation of this policy for any member,
Director, Employee, or coach within USA Table Tennis to harass a participant or fellow member
through their conduct or through any type of communications. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests
for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct may constitute sexual harassment even when the
harassment is by members of the same gender.
Upon proof of violation of USA Table Tennis’s Bullying, Threats & Harassment policy the offender will
be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Normally this action may be permanent exclusion from
USA Table Tennis and referral to law enforcement authorities.