The most important element of this SafeSport Strategy is the ability for our members, employees,
volunteers, coaches and Directors to be actively involved in monitoring it across the United States.
Everyone has a responsibility to monitor the USA TABLE TENNIS SafeSport Strategy but below USA
Table Tennis has allocated some specific areas where individuals are expected to be particularly
Certified Coaches;
- A coach should oversee the correct participation in the SafeSport Strategy of his team,
especially the Locker Room Policy, Social Media Policy, and Travel Policy.
- Coaches are encouraged to ensure that other coaches involved with practice or competitions
are properly qualified by USA Table Tennis including a current background check.
- SafeSport compliance estimated to be phased in the first quarter of 2014.
Affiliated Table Tennis Clubs
- Table Tennis clubs are required to ensure a coach has reached their proper background check
and screening and has proper USA Table Tennis coaching experience, certification, and
accreditation before allowing contact with players. Club Coaches are required to USATT
- Table Tennis clubs are required to ensure that any individual involved in their club are USA
Table Tennis members AND have passed a current background check before having any
exposure to minors.
- Table Tennis Clubs should promptly report any violation of this strategy to the Chief Executive
Officer of USA Table Tennis.
- SafeSport compliance estimated to be phased in with club affiliation renewal.