Background Check

USATT Mandatory Background Check

Who has access to the results of the background check proccess?
Background check results are only seen by USATT CEO. In case of an appeal the report will be also seen by the General Counsel/Secretary and the Chair of Ath...
Sun, 24 Aug, 2014 at 5:31 PM
Who needs to complete the background check process?
In the first phase of the USATT SafeSport Plan we are requiring that all members of our Certified Coaching Pool, Board Members, Staff Members and Committee ...
Sun, 24 Aug, 2014 at 5:26 PM
What if I don't complete the background check process?
The background check is mandatory in order to continue to be recognized within the USATT organization. Not complaint coaches will become removed from the US...
Sun, 24 Aug, 2014 at 5:25 PM
Is there any additional material aside from the background check?
Yes. We are also asking these same folks to complete the free USOC on-line tutorial on SafeSport This is deemed...
Sun, 24 Aug, 2014 at 5:31 PM
Accepting a background check provided by other companies
The USOC will not accept Background checks from other providers. Accepting criminal background checks from other providers, as the previous criminal backgr...
Sun, 24 Aug, 2014 at 5:30 PM